Family Law is the specialty of our office
As the years go by we inevitably learn that we cannot anticipate where life will lead us, whether in career, life and most certainly in relationships.
Suddenly your relationship goes awry, and you decide to separate, but do not know how to go about doing it. How can you break up with the least amount of harm for the children? How can you preserve your rights? Is it at all possible to avoid complicated situations in advance?
Klarfeld Law Offices specializes in Family Law and provides professional and discreet services and will enable you learn about your rights and to select the best course of action to resolve your domestic conflicts.
Klarfeld Law Offices works in the following fields of Family Law:
Prenuptial Agreement
A Prenuptial Agreement is an agreement that a couple enters into that regulate their financial affairs during a marriage and after it, in the event of a future separation or divorce.
Domestic Partnership Agreement
A Domestic Partnership Agreement, also known as a Living Together Agreement, is an agreement for a couple who live together and are unwilling or unable to wed, and is meant to regularize the financial aspects of their relationship in the event of a separation.
Dissolution of Marriage
A procedure for Dissolution of Marriage is performed by Family Court. Unlike a divorce that falls under the jurisdiction of Rabbinical Courts, this procedure is available for couples who the state of Israel does not recognize as married (such as civil marriages, inter religion marriages, people of no religion).
A divorce in Israel falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Rabbinical Courts. However, it should be noted that though the procedure itself is under the jurisdiction of the Religious Courts, all the accompanying factors (such as custody, division of property, etc..) are also under the jurisdiction of the Family Courts, and are determined and validated according to the judicial body of your choice.
Divorce Agreement
An agreement aimed at resolving division of property, and child support and visitation rights in cases where children are involved.
Custody/Joint Custody and Visitation Rights
An arrangement of Parental Responsibility between the parents of a child. This arrangement includes topics such as feeding, sleeping arrangements, clothing, education etc.
Child Support
A monthly stipend that the non-custodial parent provides to the custodial parent for providing for the children, in the event of a separation or divorce.
Grandparents Rights and Obligations
Grandparents can also be sued for child support, in very specific situations.
A legal affidavit that enables a man to declare himself as a father to a child, even though he is not listed in the birth certificate of his child, or that the person who is listed in the birth certificate as the father is not.
Child Kidnapping
A child kidnapping is a situation where a child is moved from their country of residence to another country, without the consent of the other parent. This situation requires appealing to a court in accordance with the legislation and Hague convention and demand the return of the child to their country of residence.
Child Immigration
When one of the parents’ wishes to immigrate to a different country with the children but without the consent of the other parent, that parent is legally required to appeal to a Family Court of Law that will investigate and determine if the immigration will be in the child’s best interest.
Wills in Israel and Abroad
A means for people to express their wishes and ensure what will happen with their finances after they have died.
Legal transfer of property of a deceased to their heir.
Age Declaration
If you wish to change the date of your birth, you must appeal to a Court of Family Law and prove your real date of birth.