U.S. Citizenship can be acquired in a number of ways. A Legal Permanent Resident who can prove that he/she has resided in the U.S. continuously for a period of 3 or 5 years at the time of Application for Citizenship, may become a Naturalized Citizen if he or she meets the conditions under the law for Naturalization purposes. Regulations stipulate the number of years of continuous residency and the definition of continuous residency.
The children of USCs and children born in the U.S. can also acquire Citizenship under certain circumstances.
Over the years the laws regulating the acquisition of Citizenship at birth have changed. In some cases your date of birth to a USC may indicate that you already are a U.S. Citizen– even without ever having applied for Citizenship. Proving the eligibility, however, can be another and often daunting matter.
The U.S. Constitution affords Citizenship to anyone born in the U.S. This is almost exclusively true except in a number of very rare circumstances.
Since the legislation of the Child Citizenship Act of 2000, a child born to a USC parent can generally acquire Citizenship in one of three ways.
If the USC parent resided in the U.S. prior to the child’s birth for more than five years, at least two of which were after the age of fourteen, he or she may register their child with the U.S. Embassy. After making a Report of U.S. Citizen Birth Abroad, the parent may apply for a U.S. Passport on behalf of the child.
For children born abroad to a USC parent who does not meet the qualifying residence requirement, there are alternate methods of acquiring Citizenship under the statute. The parent can either apply for Citizenship on behalf of the child based on the qualifying residence of a USC Grandparent or the child can enter the U.S. as a Legal Permanent Resident, in the company of the USC parent.
In the former case, an Application must filed in the United States with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The Application must include photos, Official Fee, and evidence supporting the fact and that the USC Grandparent resided in the U.S. for the requisite period of time. After the Application is checked, the USC Parent and Child will be sent an Interview date with a USCIS Field Office in the U.S. for acquiring Citizenship. This process must be concluded before the child reaches the age of 18.
In the latter case, a child of a USC Parent, under the age of 18, who Immigrates to the United States in the company of the USC Parent automatically acquires Citizenship upon entry to the U.S. as an Immigrant.
In Israel, Citizenship is not acquired by birth in Israel but rather by virtue of the Citizenship or Israeli Immigrant Status of the Parent at the time of the Child’s birth or according the laws and regulations concerning Immigration to Israel.
For more information on obtaining U.S. Citizenship see Naturalization.
For assistance in all matters pertaining to Citizenship or Naturalization Contact Us