Legal Services
General Counsel and Legal Services
Klarfeld Law Offices specialize in U.S. Visa and Immigration Law and provide a wide range of general legal services in all aspects of Israeli Civil, Administrative, and Immigration Law. The Office is dedicated and conscientiously serves the needs and expectations of its clients.
In the course of daily life, a person sometimes find himself in situations where an action taken or not taken could have unexpected (or unwelcome) legal repercussions. In practically every aspect of a person’s life, a need may arise for legal assistance or consultation. The following are but a few of the questions that have troubled clients seeking legal counsel from our office:
Could a business offer discussed with a business colleague be interpreted as a binding contract for all intents and purposes? Could a rude remark made to a public official be construed as defamation or libel? Could an off-color joke told in the office result in a lawsuit for sexual harassment or discrimination? Does a Rental Contract between a Landlord and Tenant accurately describe the expectations of the parties and equally protect against breach of the covenants made between them? How do I form a Corporation? How can I learn what financial and severance benefits are due me when my Employer suddenly fires me? What do I do if I cannot meet my legal financial obligations, or where do I turn if my client is insolvent and files Bankruptcy – or simply refuses to pay his debt? How do I evict a tenant who has not paid his monthly rental fees or otherwise breaches the terms of his Lease? How do I leave my husband and ask for a divorce, when he controls all of our finances? How do I get a building permit? What can I do if my Ex-Wife doesn’t allow me to see my children or turns them against me? How do I get my kids back if my wife packed up and left the country to remarry and took our children with her? My neighbor’s tree has taken over half my backyard; who is responsible for pruning and removing the nuisance? I have just been served papers ordering me to appear in court – how do I defend myself in an unjust action against me? How do I apply to the Ministry of Interior to get Status in Israel? What obligations do I have to my home country if I have emigrated or changed my country of residence? How do I get a visa or emigrate to a foreign country?
These are but a few of the legal issues which could potentially confront a person in their day to day lives. Klarfeld Law Offices has experience and can assist or litigate in all of these fields and much more, including Litigation, Contracts, Wills & Trusts, a full range of Immigration issues, Marriage and Divorce Agreements, Affidavits, Legal Counseling,Translation and Notarial services.
For more information contact us